Devil Children part 5
So it was my 5th lesson with the wee devils, and I know you're all dying to know how it went..... well, I amused them for a while with some stickers in which time they actually seemed to understand what I was asking them to do, then they didn't like the rest of the lesson so pretty much did what they wanted while I tried to get them to say things like cat and dog. They liked a rap tune that I put on at the end but only danced to it, didn't speak any English. I think someone should teach their parents the old English idiom 'pouring your money down the drain'. Hahaha.
Sounds just lovely! Why don't you just stick the dance classes instead? I'm sure the little blighters will pick up the english subliminally, and there's a lot to be said for having them paying attention. Would avoid m&m though, unless you want them to learn "mofo" etc. Perhaps Kanye could help? "We want pre-nup!"
And on the subject of Luther Music, Happy Birthday Cara. I love you really.
Jus xx
no I think Eminem would be good, Kanye as well though would be okay.
PS Cara's 40th is not until Tuesday apparently. Sorry for the confusion.
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