Cor Blimey Guvnor
As there is snowy ice on the ground outside and the temperature is dropping again we have to make our own amusement here as it's too darn cold/dangerous (if you're me) to go outside....SO I've been teaching my fellow teachers phrases like the one above in this here title 'Cor Blimey Guvnor'. And to repay me for my kindness they are speaking English to me in heavy Russian accents like in The Pink Panther and other such comedy gems which use a foreign accent to get a laugh! Ah what fun we have. And news about the wee buggers is that I had a very successful lesson with them today, they sat quietly for most of the lesson colouring and drawing, we had a dance, we played some games and hey, we even spoke some English.
The result of today's efforts? -- the 5 year olds will all go on to use their new found love of the English language to conquer the world (they'll thank me for teaching them how to count backwards from 10) and in the summer there will be a group of Russian English teachers landing at Heathrow calling everyone they see 'guvnor'. My work here is done.
The result of today's efforts? -- the 5 year olds will all go on to use their new found love of the English language to conquer the world (they'll thank me for teaching them how to count backwards from 10) and in the summer there will be a group of Russian English teachers landing at Heathrow calling everyone they see 'guvnor'. My work here is done.
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