Yidim Ya!
A programme I watched last night. It was a cross between Steve Wright's Our Song and Surprise Surprise! It had lots of Russian women and men crying and crying and then crying some more! At the time I didn't understand I just thought it was like a 'Trisha'-type programme but I asked one of the teachers this morning and she tells me it's called Yidim Ya - 'Wait for Me'. It's better than Surprise Surprise, instead of just reuniting people with long lost relatives they get people who think that their relatives are dead and then they go, 'Look, your mum isn't dead! She's here in the studio!' And that's when the crying starts. And then they play the soppy music like on 'Our Song'. Beautiful. Russian TV is great.
More weather news! It's, well, cold. The ground is white and pretty and really hard.
I went to an Irish pub yesterday at lunch time where they sold quality Irish products such as Harp and Newcastle Brown Ale! And on the big screen they were showing a Simply Red concert and for the first (and hopefully last) time in my life I felt a connection there with ol' Mick. I said proudly to my colleagues 'he's from Manchester!' and then I realised what I'd done and hid my head in shame. The weather makes you do funny things! Luckily though, I still managed to feel hatred towards and no connection whatsoever with Tony Parsons when my boss showed me that she's reading one of his latest sentimental cliches of a novel. I told her to use it as toilet paper (they seem to have a lack of it in Russia). My next task is to use his Mirror columns as examples of VERY BAD ENGLISH! They love it when I rant on about things!
Arctic Monkeys are number one? Just when I'm not there to enjoy some good music getting into the charts! Next you'll be telling me that Radiohead are doing a tour in February! (Don't tell me, even if they are)!
More weather news! It's, well, cold. The ground is white and pretty and really hard.
I went to an Irish pub yesterday at lunch time where they sold quality Irish products such as Harp and Newcastle Brown Ale! And on the big screen they were showing a Simply Red concert and for the first (and hopefully last) time in my life I felt a connection there with ol' Mick. I said proudly to my colleagues 'he's from Manchester!' and then I realised what I'd done and hid my head in shame. The weather makes you do funny things! Luckily though, I still managed to feel hatred towards and no connection whatsoever with Tony Parsons when my boss showed me that she's reading one of his latest sentimental cliches of a novel. I told her to use it as toilet paper (they seem to have a lack of it in Russia). My next task is to use his Mirror columns as examples of VERY BAD ENGLISH! They love it when I rant on about things!
Arctic Monkeys are number one? Just when I'm not there to enjoy some good music getting into the charts! Next you'll be telling me that Radiohead are doing a tour in February! (Don't tell me, even if they are)!
not sure about a tour, but they are headlining V! strange choice for such a MOR affair, and it's put me right off, but there you go!
Jus x
Glad the Russians love your rants...we're well rid of them.
cara? was that you? sounds like something you would say. cow.
Cow! Ha ha!
Who's calling Cara a cow! Could that be Justine? Reveal yourself!
And no bitching on my blog!
Yes i am sure that is Justine...pointing the finger at the lovely, sweet, generous, not to mention absolutely stunning Cara. Becky..update your blog, am waiting with bated breath for the next riveting installment. Love and miss yaxx
that was also something Cara would say! Big up yerself!!
the gloves are off.
Jus x
won't it be too cold with gloves off?
just having a laugh as always, mostly at cara's expense!
Jus x
* as if!!
Keep your petty squabbles to yourselves ladies!
yeah, talk more about the ranting
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