There are no snow men
Well I arrived in Tyumen at 5.30 on Wednesday morning (5 hours ahead of Britain) and my first impressions? COLD! Although I was expecting that so I can't complain. In fact I seem to be the only person in Tyumen not complaining about the weather. I am now officially an English teacher as I have had a whole day of lessons, one of which was with a group of 5 year olds. We won't go into that one.... but they were like devil children....
So it snows a lot here in Siberia in fact it's the coldest it's been for over 100 years so no wonder everyone is talking about the weather. And today was the day that hundreds of Russian people jump into a hole made in the ice and plunge underwater three times. Then they get out and carry on with their day as if nothing had happened. It's tradition. I think I'm more keen to take part in the warm outdoor spa rather than the water plunging thing. I can also look forward to skating outdoors and skiing and I was told by my teenage group of students that the prettiest place in Tyumen is Lovers Bridge overlooking the river, but I think I'll wait until it's at least -5 before I do any of those things.
I watched er last night and it was in Russian! But I'm afraid that's as exciting as it gets here at night - nobody dares go outside because it's so cold! My landlady is about the same age as me she has a six year old boy (who certainly isn't as naughty as the other kids in Tyumen) and neither of them speak very good English - although I'll be teaching them both - so we just sit and talk to each other in ouк own language trying to understand but not really understanding at all! It's quite amusing really.
If you are bored then email me, I'd like to be kept informed of all gossip no matter how tedious or uninteresting, please!
So it snows a lot here in Siberia in fact it's the coldest it's been for over 100 years so no wonder everyone is talking about the weather. And today was the day that hundreds of Russian people jump into a hole made in the ice and plunge underwater three times. Then they get out and carry on with their day as if nothing had happened. It's tradition. I think I'm more keen to take part in the warm outdoor spa rather than the water plunging thing. I can also look forward to skating outdoors and skiing and I was told by my teenage group of students that the prettiest place in Tyumen is Lovers Bridge overlooking the river, but I think I'll wait until it's at least -5 before I do any of those things.
I watched er last night and it was in Russian! But I'm afraid that's as exciting as it gets here at night - nobody dares go outside because it's so cold! My landlady is about the same age as me she has a six year old boy (who certainly isn't as naughty as the other kids in Tyumen) and neither of them speak very good English - although I'll be teaching them both - so we just sit and talk to each other in ouк own language trying to understand but not really understanding at all! It's quite amusing really.
If you are bored then email me, I'd like to be kept informed of all gossip no matter how tedious or uninteresting, please!
Well, it's boiling hot here, must be near double figures. Weekend will get cold though, maybe about +5.
Devil children sound nice. I hope you weren't mean to them.
There is no interesting gossip here. The best thing that has happened so far was the escaped lion. Or maybe the car chase. But the armed police put a stop to both those things in a matter of hours.
Have fun talking nonsense to the Russians.
Never mind all that, ER IN RUSSIAN!! wouldn't mind seeing that!
Also, and i hate to do this to you, but you missed Arctic Monkeys on Radio 1 Live Lounge covering Love Machine - Genius, and I'm hoping Paul heard it!!
Jus x
They love Robbie Williams here, Aaaaaaghh! Is there no escaping the man?!
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