Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Humourous Humourless

Well thank you to all those kind people out there who helped me to prepare for my business english class by sending me even more useless (and funny) phrases to use in the workplace. Your next mission is to send me jokes that revolve around the language - y'know word play and stuff. I have gathered that the impression our Great British Comedies give out to foreigners is that we all run around like Benny Hill or Mr Bean. I tried to convey the brilliance of Spaced to them but they claim that British humour is hard to get. I think this is due to the language and the fact that in Russian you can say either 'the monkey rode the bike' or 'the bike rode the monkey' - it has the same meaning. But what if the punchline of the joke is 'then the bike rode the monkey!!' Hahaha, they just wouldn't see the funny side. So, do your bit for your country, send me a joke that I can use to convince the Russians that we're dead funny, us.

I've developed a.... don't know the name for it, that problem that Jonathan Ross has with his R's, I've noticed it in my own speech. Maybe I've always had it but didn't realise becuase nobody pays any attention to what I say (including me) but now that people are listening to me very intently I seem to have a slight R problem (pwoblem) like Elma Fudd, hahaha (I'm laughing a lot today for some reason).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I went to buy some camouflage trousers the other day but I couldn't find any

My friend drowned in a bowl of muesli. A strong currant pulled him in

Man goes to the doctor, with a strawberry growing out of his head.
Doc says "I'll give you some cream to put on it."

Not sure how well they will translate... I'll try think of some more later!

4:18 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wun wabbit, wun wabbit, wun, wun, WUN!

4:29 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you hear about the man who put his hand down Mystic Meg's trousers?

He got his palm red every month!

2:06 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love from john

2:06 pm  

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