Wednesday, February 08, 2006

There's no I in team

I have to teach Business English! It's a good job I watched the Office so much otherwise I wouldn't have a clue. I actually have to encourage my student to use terms like 'you have to take the rough with the smooth' and 'There needs to be give and take'. There's actually a book with all these phrases and explainations as to what they 'mean'. But they mean nothing!! At least I'll be able to use these expressions when I get back to the UK, it might help me get a job. It's all a bit 'touch and go, don't you think?'
What was even better was the lesson I had with the teachers in which I had to educate them about the British legal system. Thankfully had the ever reliable Google to help me out of that sticky situation and I almost sounded like I knew what I was talking about.
But this Business English is a laugh, I can't possibly be responsible for more people in the world using meaningless unimaginative cliched expressions.


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