Thursday, February 16, 2006

working nine to nine what a way to make a living

Well let me tell you a little something about how it is out here in Russia. Teachers are very badly paid. You get paid by the hour, but those hours only include hours when you're actually in a classroom teaching, it doesn't include all the hours of preperation and planning. Bearing in mind that all the text books the teachers here use are completely in English and they have to translate all unknown words before the lesson, which must take bloomin ages. Even I have to look up words sometimes and it's my native language. So, I've been thinking this over and it's starting to trouble me. AND they don't get paid during holidays, or if they miss a class due to illness. And this school is one of the best ones in Tyumen, in terms of pay and facilities.

Well, I thought I'd have a rant, share it with y'all.
Thanks for listening peeps, I'll be back tomorrow with more tales of hardship and suffering at the hands of these ruthless Russians. Ah yes the word Capitalism soon spread to these parts when the Iron Curtain collapsed.


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